Skylight Documentation Available on Github
I'm pleased to announce that the Skylight Documentation is now publicly available on GitHub. It was always available to be read at docs.skylight.io, but now the whole repository is public.
To be clear, we don't expect others to write our documentation for us. However, it's not uncommon for customers to notice a deficiency and then have to email us about it. If you have some thoughts about how to fix things, you can now just send a pull request!
Another neat thing about making the repo public is that you can see all of our tooling. We're using Middleman 3 (yes, we need to upgrade) and we've got some custom extensions of our own. If you've got any similar projects, you're welcome to take a look at our code, it's all MIT licensed!
Speaking of licensing, the documentation itself is now licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This means that you can republish the information available in our docs as long as you share it alike and don't try to make money from it!
Haven't tried Skylight yet and want to see what all the fuss is about? Sign up for your 30-day Skylight free trial! Or refer your a friend and you both get $50 in credit.